Hourly Rate
My current rate is $250/hour, subject to yearly increase.
Typical Fee Range
Legal fees for a judicial review application typically range between $3,000 - $30,000 depending on complexity.
A more precise estimate can be provided after review of the specific facts of your case.
To start an application for judicial review in Federal Court, you will need to pay a $50 filing fee and, if represented by a lawyer, a $100 LAWPRO (lawyers' insurance) transaction levy.
If the case goes to a hearing, you will need to pay an additional $50 Federal Court hearing requisition fee.
Costs Awards
If you win your case, the court will likely require the other side to pay you some compensation for legal costs. Conversely, if you lose your case, the court will likely require you to pay the other side.
Costs awards typically range between $1,000 - $7,000 in a Federal Court application for judicial review, but they can be higher or lower depending on the complexity of the case and other factors.
For immigration and citizenship matters, no costs are awarded unless there are special reasons to justify it.